Prom Venues
For every high school student, prom is the most anticipated event of the year. From choosing the tuxedos to the prom dresses and renting the right cars, prom is very much a big deal. To those who have been given the task of planning the prom, it is even a much bigger deal because they not only have to think for themselves alone, they have to think for the entire student body also. The prom committee is faced with a lot of questions and challenges ranging from what to do, the theme to be used, to the venue among numerous other things.
When faced with choosing a venue for prom, it is advisable that the committee pick a venue that cater to most of their need. Even though there can never be a perfect prom venue, it is very much possible to get a venue that caters to more than 80 per cent of your needs and wants. Choosing the prom venue is a very daunting task and a lot of things have to be taken into consideration. Some of these things that need to be considered are:
- The location of the prom venue: the location of the prom venue is very important as this will inform the choice of the student body whether to attend or not to attend. Choosing a location that is central and easily accessible for almost every body is very important because you do not want to plan a promo and discover that more than half of the student body do not show up on that day.
- The accessibility: because there will be preliminary set up before the day of the prom or before the time of the prom, it is best to ensure that it is easy to access the entrance and back entrance of the venue. The reason for this is so that it can be easy to bring in the equipment, catering services equipment among other things. Also, the accessibility to the entrance is key for the day of the prom because you do not want people to trek a long distance from the car park to the entrance. Ensure that the distance between the car park and the entrance of the venue are somewhat close.
- They lay out of the venue: not all venues allow for prom decorations and props. That is why it is very important to take into consideration the lay out of the venue. This will enable you know the kind of decoration to use and also probably influence the theme for the prom. Some venues might have a circular, rectangular or square lay out and it is very key to note this so as to know what you will be working with and how you will work with it.
In conclusion, when choosing a venue for prom, make sure that every body is carried along. If possible, ask the student body to make a choice out of all the potential locations you have listed.